jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014


¿Has jugado alguna vez al juego de las prendas? Seguro que sí. ¿Y en inglés?

Hoy os dejamos esta imagen resumen para utilizarla en vuestras clases de inglés. Se puede adaptar a cualquier nivel, pues según éste, practicaréis más o menos vocabulario relacionado con la ropa y los complementos. Prestad atención a las instrucciones y a los stunts o pruebas que os sugerimos.


Players: 5-25 / No equipment / No Preparation
Forfeits is an old, old game. It has been popular for centuries because it's such fun. 
Each player puts a piece of clothing, jewelry or some personal belonging into a pile on the floor. These are the "forfeits." One person is chosen to be the judge, and another holds up the forfeits over the judge's head. The judge sits in front of the pile and cannot see what is being held overhead. As the sock or necklace or belt is held over the judge's head, the other player says: 

"Heavy, heavy hangs over the head. What shall the owner do to redeem the forfeit?" 

Then the judge (without looking up) commands the owner to do some act or stunt in order to get back the property.

Some ideas for stunts? 

  1. Try to stand on your head.
  2. Answer yes to every question asked by every player in the group.
  3. Sing a song.
  4. Tell a ghost story.
  5. Make at least 3 people laugh.
  6. Dance a jig.
  7. Walk across the room on your knees.
  8. Tell a joke no one in the room has heard.
  9. Give a 1-minute talk about elephants.
  10. Say five times rapidly: "Three big blobs of a black bug's blood."
  11. Say five times rapidly: "Truly rural."
  12. Yawn until you make someone else yawn.
  13. Holding one foot with your hand, hop around the room.
  14. Crawl under the table on all fours and bark like a dog.
  15. Tell how to make a pie without talking.
  16. Kiss the wall backwards: standing about 50 cm. from the wall, lean backwards until your lips touch the wall. Then straighten up without losing your balance. (Take off lipstick first.)
  17. Place a basketball in the middle of the floor. Try to sit on it, while writing your name legibly on a card with a pencil.
  18. Place 3 strong straight backed chairs side by side. Lie with your head on the first chair and your feet on the third, with folded arms and stiff body. Have someone remove the middle chair. Hold your position for 10 seconds.
  19. For 2 players at a time: Both are blindfolded and seated on the floor with a large towel or napkin pinned around the neck like a bib. Each is then given a bowl of popcorn and a spoon and told the feed the other player the entire contents of the bowl. For a messier (and funnier) game, use wheat germ or bran.
  20. Same setup, but feed each other bananas.
  21. You can find more stunts here: http://planningperfectparties.com/forfeits

Of course, the judge and the person who is holding up the forfeit also have articles in the pile, and they must act out a command in order to get them back, too!

Esperamos que os sea de utilidad. Contactad con info@happy-sport.es para cualquier duda o consulta. Hasta la próxima.

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